
The Mathorian Kagodora is a solar cycle 25-counter systems of organized Rays that promotes Etheric Stewardship of Earth.  

TaTa OmEnRa – Christopher A Chaplin utilized the Grand conjunction date December 21 2020 that marked the end of solar cycle 24 as a starting point to keep track of space as stewards of earth, breaking away from religious calendar and the energetic incarceration are primary motivations for developing the Mathorian  kagodora.


Our mission is to celebrate the commencing of solra Omstem 25 and erect the official solra Omstem Ray counter that truly is oriented to the radiator in the sky that is our prime source of erection and broadcaster of intelligence. 

Mental health is about brain frequency orientation. When solra beings are detached from solra sound frequencies mental health declines. 

In a looping system that the calendar promotes addiction and deleterious behaviors are sustained by repeating social patterns.  The Kagodora intends to reverse all the spells and incantations associated with the calendar by using consecutive Ombers replacing days, weeks, months, years that are dedicated to religious deities with Rays, Turns, rings that are invested in stewarding the Earth.

Before the Draconian alien invasion described in the bible and passively confirmed by Public disclosure the Nubians used a sundial to guide their time and kept a continues space counter not a constant looping system. The kagodora sets out to restore a sol centred space management omstem that encourages energetic erectness. 

Why call the calendar Mathorian Kagodora 

The Gregorian calendar is an alien religious system ledger that forces intervals of energy sacrifices to deities and Gods.

Mathor is the process of Om sound-vibrating taoms in friction creates electricity the magnetized taoms exposed to radiation produces the ore mater.  Ma + Ether = Mathor

Kagodora means maintain your body directed by the sun. This creates a positive productive and prosperous environment where souls and humanity can be guided to add to and multiply life.  Ka go do Ra = Ka (body) go like Sun / Nus -use your vessel to Steward the planet like the Nus (sun) and shine On.

The word Kado means upright vessel and replaces the word clock that means Ka lock (Lock your vessel)  

What is the difference between the Mathorian Kagodora & the Gregorian Calendar

The Mathorian Kagodora enforces stewarding space as a producer.

The calendars enforce mental slavery as a consumer.

The Kagodora continues from 0 – 27000 rotations around the sun called Rays it does not loop.

The calendar loops a weekly, monthly cycles

There are 360 Rays in a ring not 365 detached rays (= days) in a yield ore (year)

There are 8 x 45 rays called Turns to represent 8 x 45 degree in a circle not an average of 30 days in a month

There are 24.3 (11) Do’s in a ray Not 24 Hours in a Day

There are 90 GoDo’s (replacing minute in an hour) Not 60 minutes in an hour

There are 90 shu’s (replaces seconds in a minute) Not 60 sections a minute

SC = Solar cycle

Ring = 360 revolutions around the sun (year)

Turn = 45 rays to represent the 8 x 45 degrees parts of a circle

Rays = 11 Do ( 24.3 hours) and replaces Day

Do = 90 Godo  2.2 hours

Godo = 90 shu ( 1.5 minute )

Shu = 90 seconds

Christopher A Chaplin has used his formula of SoundLogic Tongodo decoding to expose hidden incantation spells in the cipher attached to the names associated with the religious calendar. 

Days = disconnected rays

Weeks = woe ka (to weaken the vessel)

Months = Mow the On (keep vessel from rising vibration)

Year = Yield air  (give way to the artificial air waves) 

Seconds = Seek On’s (seek vessel host)

Minutes = Mine ether (process the ore of the host)

Hours = Ow (e) ores  (bring harm to source owe debt pay dues)

Researching the Internet for deities, gods associated with day, week, month, year and holiday names of the calendar reveal the religious ledger dedicated to maintain sacrifice to the artificial construct.

Months named after disagreeable  entities (Roman deities)

January = Janus –God of gates

February = Februa / Februus – god of Death  / Purgation 

March = Mars – God of War

April =   Aphrodite

May = Maia – God of vegetation

June = Juno – God of Reproduction

July = Julius Caesar

August = Augustus

September = Seven  7

October  = Eight 8 

November = Nine  9

December = Ten 10

Source: Wikipedia 

Days of the week named after Egregores 

Sunday = Apollo Lucifer ruled over the Sun

Monday = Diana Luna Lucifer’s twin sister Ruled over the Moon

Tuesday = Tiu (tie you) God of War (Mars)

Wednesday = Woden  (Oden) God of  Mercury

Thursday =  Thor – God of Jupiter

Friday = Frigg – wife of Oden (Woden)

Saturday = Satan – God of Saturn

Source : https://appleofgodseye.wordpress.com/

A nu system of recording time that keeps us tethred